Mailing List Administration


To be subscribed to our mailing list and maintain informed about the TRUST products, please send an e-mail from your e-mail account where you want to receive our messages to: without subject and with a message that only says:
subscribe correo_usuarios



To unsubscribe from our mailing list, please send an e-mail from your e-mail account that are registered with us to: without subject and with a message that only says:

unsubscribe correo_usuarios



The mailing list server only receive applications of subscribe or unsubscribe as those described previously, this is that in the message any other additional text is not included. If your e-mail program adds a signature or enclosed message to identity automatically each mail, it will be convenient that you erase it before send, so our mailing list server can process your application without any setback.


For any questions please send a e-mail to: