Quantum 917

“Seal Saver”

Quantum 917
• Protects against seal deterioration – cuts costly repairs & downtime.
• Stops oil leakage due to seal shrinkage in hydraulic systems, automatic transmissions & power steering units.
• Works while equipment is in operation.


Quantum 917 “Seal Saver” is the “Super Saver” treatment that saves seals, saves maintenance and downtime, saves time and saves money.
• Quantum 917
protects, lubricates and conditions seals to arrest deterioration – cuts costly repairs and downtime.
• Quantum 917
stops oil leakage due to seal shrinkage in hydraulic systems, automatic transmissions and power steering units.
• Quantum 917
works effectively while equipment is in operation.


Quantum 917 is manufactured under strictly controlled laboratory conditions and is thoroughly tested to meet Omega’s high standards of purity, uniformity, performance and quality. Quantum 907 gives off no harmful fumes, washes off easily and is completely safe to use and in storage.

Use Quantum 917 for:

• Hydraulic Systems, including vehicular and Stationery Equipment.
• Injection Molding Equipment.
• Automotic Transmissions.
• Power Steering Units
• Construction Equipment
• Mining Machinery
• Marine Motors

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